OMG Direct Supply

Ironing Board

Our counter mounted ironing board is the perfect tool for ensuring that your linens and garments are perfectly flat and free from any creases or wrinkles. With a stable and sturdy base, this board provides a flat surface for ironing, making it easy to ensure that the fabric is evenly ironed without any stretching or distortion.

Ironing Board

  • Counter Board
  • Quantity: 6 per Case

Let me introduce you to our top-quality ironing board counter board, which comes in a set of six per case. This product is ideal for hotels, resorts, cruise lines, hospitals, nursing homes, universities, and commercial laundries that require smooth and wrinkle-free linens and garments for their guests or residents.

Our counter mounted ironing board is the perfect tool for ensuring that your linens and garments are perfectly flat.  They will also be free from any creases or wrinkles. With a stable and sturdy base, this board provides a flat surface for ironing. This ensures that the fabric is evenly ironed without any stretching or distortion.

Made from high-quality materials, our ironing board is durable, long-lasting, and easy to clean. Whether you need to iron clothes, sheets, or tablecloths, our solution can handle it all with ease. So why settle for anything less when you can have the best?

Order your set of six today. Take the first step towards ensuring that your linens and garments always look their best.





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